Why you need a Facebook Group?

If your company want to build the target audience base, other than placing the Facebook advertising campaign, what is the other way to build your community? 
It is quite normal the company set up a Facebook Page to promote themselves, but why it will be a good idea to set up a Facebook Group as well? 

Facebook Page VS Facebook Group
First, we need to understand what is the difference between Facebook Page and the Facebook group?

(1) Facebook page:
is the most basic way to connect your target audience to your business, normally it is a company or individual want to build their professional presence and credibility, the audiences passively follow them to get this type of professional information and build the knowledge on it.

(2) Facebook group:
a place to gather like-mind people to discuss actively their interest, you can create more loyal audiences. They really want to understand and learn the idea more, these audiences are willing to sharing their idea with others. You can create a more personal experience, people always prefer to believe the information from someone, rather getting information from a company who want to sell something.

In the Funnel Marketing:
1) Acknowledgment: TRAFFIC to your website, ex. Facebook Page
2) Interest: target LEAD to search you, ex. Facebook Group
3) Desire: BUYER add you to the shopping list
4) Action: Customer buy your product

How to manage a Facebook Group?

(1) You need to define what kind of like-mind people you want to attract?
Based on your business plan, list the keyword that your target client might be interested to search. Ex. You want to gather the people who are interested in investment in Singapore, so the keyword you define will be: Investment, Singapore.

(2) What kind of Facebook Group name?
I would suggest choosing a specific name to target your audience, ex. Singapore Investment. But if there are too many groups already have the same name you want to use, I would suggest trying to reduce the range, by adding the function or direction you want to focus. Ex. I want to attract the people who are interested in investment events in Singapore, I decide the name: Singapore Investment Event 

Please try not to target everyone to join your group, a group without focus will make people lose the interest to follow activity in the group, and they will leave the group or just being an inactive member.

(3) Customize Web Address
I would suggest using the same name as Facebook Page, it will help people find you easily. The shorter the better.

(4) Link Facebook Page to your Facebook Group
Building credibility and drive the traffic to your Facebook Page, likewise, it will help the people who are really interested in your Facebook Page to join the Facebook Group

(5) Encourage newcomer to make an introduction in the group
In lots of groups, admin is the only one posting in the group, it looks like they are promoting something, there is no interaction between the member, these types of the group will be inactive very soon because there is no engagement. The little trick I have is I will send a private message to the newcomer to encourage them to make an introduction

(6) Ask a question
Asking one question, while they requesting to join the group, it is just a small filter to understand if the person is really interested.

(7) Facebook Event
Creating a Facebook Event either in Facebook Group or Page to make real engagement.

(8) Create Voting
To let member understand who are in common with them

I have managed 37 Facebook group and 14 Facebook Page. 
If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
