Crazy Rich Brunch

Date: 2018/9/20, 1pm
Location: The Bird South Table and Bar
Event LinkVideoBlog ChiBlog Eng

This event is the best arrangement I've seen during the Consensus in Singapore. People always like to go exclusive event, where only allow certain people to get in, this makes them feel privileged. This event strictly only allowed the invited investor to come, even you are the investor, but you are not invited, you are not allowed to get in, that is very strict.

The atmosphere is great, and the time and date selected right. Investors likes go to a place to meet other investors. This project shows their project on the TV screen and explains individually to an investor, I think this is quite efficient than sitting on the chair in the 5-star hotel conference room.

If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
